23,900 ₮
Clothing size:
I am a little prince born of love
Little princess
I am a little princess born of love
little prince
75,900 ₮
God of love
The boss of the house
Little cool guy
35,900 ₮
Thick shirt
59,900 ₮
A thin shirt
45,900 ₮
Хүүхдийн чөлөөт өмд
189,900 ₮
Cashmere belly
Parents' beautiful princess
Do you want to bite me and eat me?
29,900 ₮
Daddy's princess
What can you put in your mouth?
Am i sweet enough?
Уучлаарай ааваа, та одоо 2 босстой боллоо
Өвөө эмээгийн хайр
Dad's strawberry
I am beautiful, my mother is beautiful, and my father is lucky
The little prince
Аав ээжийн хайрын гэрч